
Untitled design.pngMedicine was never just a career choice, but rather a way of life and a natural passion for Dr. Muhammad Firdaus. Being an MBBS( Bachelor of Medicine/ Bachelor of Surgery) physician with a naturopathic leanings and understanding he saw the cracks in the modern system of healthcare from very early on in his career. He strongly believed that medicine should equate to healing, not just suppressing symptoms. His strong beliefs propelled him to study and integrate the sciences of Ganotherapy, Iridology, Traditional Chinese Medicine, and Ayurveda in addition to his MBBS  in Modern Medicine.

Based on his experience working as a General Practitioner and an Emergency Consultant for many years, Dr. Firdaus also developed and furthered the pioneering medical concept of Holistic Healing that synergised and combined Western science with Eastern practices and wisdom. He developed a unique integrated system of medicine based on Garnotherapy as the systemic model of healing Holistically.
Inspired by modern medicine and Eastern heritage, Dr. Firdaus has developed a healing and wellness approach based on 
Ganotherapy and the best practices of what Eastern & Western medicine have to offer.

Dr. Firdaus has been practicing Ganotherapy and integrated Medicine since 2010. His love for Knowledge in the Science of Holistic functional medicine drove him deep into understanding human health and the potentiality of restoration from all terminal diseases.

He truly believes that nourishment and nutritional food are essential in empowering the body to heal itself. But in this modern world, our food sources are highly compromised and no longer safe for consumption. This is where he highly endorses the DXN company's organic food products for their high integrity and value.

He has personally been using and recommending DXN food products to thousands of sick and healthy people... thereby transforming their lives to Health, Wealth, and Happiness.

He has built this Store to reach out to more people who need help and enlightenment on how to make food as our medicine.

 Health is the birthright to every human...., it will not go wrong with your health and wellness if you empower your body.

Some of his favorite quotes:-



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    Aleksejs Bergmanis

    Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Curabitur non mattis dui, sit amet hendrerit nibh. Duis congue volutpat urna ut accumsan.

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  • DrFirg - Thiago Japyassu

    Thiago Japyassu

    Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Curabitur non mattis dui, sit amet hendrerit nibh. Duis congue volutpat urna ut accumsan. Vivam mauris augue, ultrices at faucibus vitae, mattis eu lacus.

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